AHAthat makes is easy to AUTHORING, MARKETING & SHARING "you". As the first AHAleadership (Thought Leadership) platform on the market Get Started
Over 45,000 pieces of content to share on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & G+ for free.
Sharing Authoring
We ghostwrite a book for you and make it an Amazon bestseller in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, PDF & AHAthat formats.
90% of a book’s success happens after the writing is done. To be successful, you need to market!
Creating an Anthology Book to Make Money and Friends
AHAthat makes is easy to AUTHORING, MARKETING & SHARING "you". As the first AHAleadership (Thought Leadership) platform on the market Get Started
Over 45,000 pieces of content to share on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & G+ for free.
Sharing Authoring
We ghostwrite a book for you and make it an Amazon bestseller in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, PDF & AHAthat formats.
90% of a book’s success happens after the writing is done. To be successful, you need to market!
Creating an Anthology Book to Make Money and Friends

Site Features


WHY AUTHOR? Speed to Market — Repurpose or create new content to write your book in 8 hours! A Few Reasons to Start Writing Today


WHY MARKETING?  90% of a book’s success happens after the writing is done. To be successful, you need to market!


WHY USE? Grow your network and advocate base by sharing compelling curated content from your favorite authors (AHAleaders) in seconds!

[wp-video-popup video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp6wkVU-WEg"]

AHAthat Radio

The Voices Of Thought Leaders Worldwide

Get inspired and motivated 24 hours a day. Hear the voices of Thought Leaders worldwide through their AHAmessages that were specifically crafted to deliver high-impact, motivational content. Thought leaders on AHAthat Radio have carefully crafted content that addresses their customer’s point-of-pain (CPOP). Every message is designed to inspire and deliver that AHA moment.

What we're doing with AHAthat

AHAthat makes it easy for you to establish your expertise. Whether it’s by sharing high-quality content of thought leaders from around the world (over 45k AHAmessages that you can share in seconds, for free) or by quickly creating a thought leadership book of your own. You can press the “easy button” by having us ghostwrite your book and run an Amazon bestseller campaign. If you want to write it yourself, you can follow a simple 3-step writing process. Visit https://AHAthat.com/Author for more detail.

We also encourage you to read your book out loud so we can distribute the audio version on 23 audio platforms and incorporate it onto AHAthatRadio https://AHAthatRadio.com where AHAs stream 24 hours a day. All content on the platform is curated by THiNKaha, which has published over 800 physical and e-books. Visit https://AHAthat.com and start sharing compelling content today for free in seconds.

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An AHAbook brands your uniqueness. People spend a fortune to get branded, whereas one AHAbook can brand you.

Dr. Tianna Conte

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Writing my AHAbook is a tool that will help me going forward in my career.

Tiffany Vuong

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Jeff Shavitz

With AHAbooks, people can get great content the way they are outlined. They are very thought-provoking.

Jeff Shavitz

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Carly Alyssa Thorne

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